Hotel Telephone Number 415.896.1600

Country Code

  • 01 (to receive international calls) • Room-to-Room 7 + room number

Directory Assistance

  • Local 9 + 411 ($1 per call)
  • Long Distance 9 + 1 + area code + 555.1212 (long distance rates apply)
  • International Operator-Assisted* 9 + 00

Direct Dial Calls

  • Local 9 + 1 + number ($1 connection fee plus 10¢ for each additional minute after 30 minutes)
  • Domestic Long Distance* 9 + 1 + area code + number (long distance rates apply)
  • International  9 + 011 + country code + city code + number
  • 8XX Number Calls  9 + 1 + 8XX + number(no hotel charge) • Calling Cards 9 + 8XX + carrier access number(no hotel charge)
  • Please note:  900 and 976 calls are not available through your guest room telephone

Voice Mail

For your convenience, the phone in your room provides you with a private voice-mail box. The red light on your phone will be lit if you have messages waiting. All of your messages will be time-stamped and remain in your mailbox until you check out or delete them. If you’d like, you may record a personalized greeting on the system by following the voice-recorded instructions. When you delete a message, it is removed completely from the system.

TDD/TTY Phones (No Charge)

Complimentary TDD/TTY phones for the hearing-impaired are available and installed upon request. Please press At Your Service to make arrangements.Complimentary TDD/TTY phones for the hearing-impaired are available and installed upon request. Please press At Your Service to make arrangements.

Do Not Disturb

If you do not wish to be disturbed, we will be happy to hold all of your calls or send them directly into your voice-mail box. Simply press At Your Service to request.


  • Incoming fax number 415.486.8101 (Front Desk)
  • If you have received a fax, the message light on your phone will be lit. Pickup is available at the Front Desk. Delivery to your room is available upon request.

Phone Information

  • Rates for International and Domestic Long Distance calls charged to your room are billed at the AT&T Daytime Operator Assisted Rate, plus a 55% hotel surcharge. International calls are subject to a connect charge of $3.25. Subject to applicable taxes.
  • To determine the cost of an AT&T Operator Assisted Call, touch 9 + 1 + 800 + CALLATT. When the AT&T Operator answers, ask for the Daytime Operator Assisted Rate.
  • Marriott® subscribes to AT&T Long Distance and Sprint Operator services.
  • You have the right to reach other long distance carriers from your in-room phone. You may do so by dialing the access code provided by your carrier.
  • Sprint Customer Information  Call:  9 + 1 + 800 + 786.5050, or write:   Sprint Hospitality P.O. Box 8490, Kansas City, MO 64114
  • Direct comments and concerns to:  FCC, Enforcement Bureau, Mailstop 1600A2 Washington, D.C. 20554
  • This hotel offers a telephone package that includes local and domestic long distance calls at a set rate of $14.95 per day. If your telephone total is less than $14.95 per day, your folio will reflect the individual telephone charges. If your call total exceeds $14.95 on a given day, you will only be charged the package rate regardless of how many local or domestic long distance calls you make that day.